Friday, September 12, 2008

Online sources

I got it from my Dr. David Murphy!

Open Courseware Consortium

OpenLearn (UKOU)

MIT Open Courseware

Stanford on iTunes U

USQ OpenCourseware

Universities With the Best Free Online Courses

My video link


I have many ICT website now!

Dear all,

It was a wonderful work for all participants in workshop II.

This is just one of the OLD materials from the workshop. This video is about ODL in Selected Asian Countries (a presentation by participants at the IDRC-PANdora Capacity Building Workshop II).

Pls have a watch by go to:

Have a nice weekend and safe trip back to your country.

Note: Dr. David Murphy's email address:

Dr. Abta Kaur's email address:

Dear Onaiza- I think if David and Abta are in the list of Basecome like prof. Geoff Peters is useful for our future networking.

Pls keep in touch!


Saturday, September 6, 2008


Look! where I am staying in Penang, Malaysia

I so miss my baby and my wife when I a way from them for two weeks abroad.

I am in Penang, Malaysia (Sept1-14, 2008)

Sokleap is attending the IDRC-PANdora Capacity Building Workshop (I+II) at Wawasan Open University, in Penang, Malaysia.

The IDRC-PANdora Capacity Building Workshop I was focusing much about Strategy Plan for Open Distance Learning (ODL). And the Workshop II will be focusing about the design of curriculum.

The strategy Plan for ODL was look into four sectors:

1. Environmental analysis including (1) social environment; (2) technology; (3) economic; (4) educational; and (5) political

2. Internal Competencies including (1) financial resources; (2) human resources; (3) media/communication; (4) teaching materials; and (5) support from government and stakeholder

3. Partnership including government (ministries), NGOs, community, private sector, media and potential donors

4. Marketing including TV, radio, print, e-web, seminar, exhibition and open ceremony

It was very interesting and useful capacity building workshop for those managers who are responsible for ODL even now and in the future.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008