Thursday, November 20, 2008


To love is to care for all living around us.
To love is to be kind to all being around us.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What's new for my local area!

Dear all,

Through my personal observation, since late yesterday and this morning, I have seen many communities (over 100 people) come to iREACH’s hubs to get hot news about the border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia. It seems that iREACH is the information stored.
Pls have a look picture at Prey Takoy hub which captured this morning.

Best regards,

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Some website that we can know what it is about:

Friday, September 12, 2008

Online sources

I got it from my Dr. David Murphy!

Open Courseware Consortium

OpenLearn (UKOU)

MIT Open Courseware

Stanford on iTunes U

USQ OpenCourseware

Universities With the Best Free Online Courses

My video link


I have many ICT website now!

Dear all,

It was a wonderful work for all participants in workshop II.

This is just one of the OLD materials from the workshop. This video is about ODL in Selected Asian Countries (a presentation by participants at the IDRC-PANdora Capacity Building Workshop II).

Pls have a watch by go to:

Have a nice weekend and safe trip back to your country.

Note: Dr. David Murphy's email address:

Dr. Abta Kaur's email address:

Dear Onaiza- I think if David and Abta are in the list of Basecome like prof. Geoff Peters is useful for our future networking.

Pls keep in touch!


Saturday, September 6, 2008


Look! where I am staying in Penang, Malaysia

I so miss my baby and my wife when I a way from them for two weeks abroad.

I am in Penang, Malaysia (Sept1-14, 2008)

Sokleap is attending the IDRC-PANdora Capacity Building Workshop (I+II) at Wawasan Open University, in Penang, Malaysia.

The IDRC-PANdora Capacity Building Workshop I was focusing much about Strategy Plan for Open Distance Learning (ODL). And the Workshop II will be focusing about the design of curriculum.

The strategy Plan for ODL was look into four sectors:

1. Environmental analysis including (1) social environment; (2) technology; (3) economic; (4) educational; and (5) political

2. Internal Competencies including (1) financial resources; (2) human resources; (3) media/communication; (4) teaching materials; and (5) support from government and stakeholder

3. Partnership including government (ministries), NGOs, community, private sector, media and potential donors

4. Marketing including TV, radio, print, e-web, seminar, exhibition and open ceremony

It was very interesting and useful capacity building workshop for those managers who are responsible for ODL even now and in the future.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008


The more you are read or listen to the Buddha theory, the better understading you get.

Friday, August 8, 2008

A you Buddhist?

If you said you are a "Buddhist", I would say that please be clear with the "Buddha Theory"

It is for Monk Holiday!

This morning I am not fell better

This morning, I am not felling well. I got stress.....

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Dear all, 

The bellow message is what I want to share with you all because I think it is very positive information to who works on democracy.
I have observed on behavior of government officers and NGOs staff who were recruited at the locally that -  they have got a lot of information and news which could influence them to understanding the democracy.

When I went to the field at the first time, I did not see anyone sit down to read newspapers or even turned on a radio to listen. After a project has contributed the ICT to this rural area for many years, they started to read a newspaper, and listening to a radio.

The more they read a newspaper or listen to a radio, the more they get hungry news/information. They are hungry to read the newspaper everyday, listen to the radio via internet everyday that what I can see.

To me, this is a very important part of the ideology for democracy.

The more they have information/news, the more power they have in mind and the better understanding of democracy they get.
Where the news/information is, the democracy there.

I think it is very important to share the information/news at the rural area in Cambodia especially where the media doesn’t reach in order to integrate the democracy.

This is just my opinion only.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

An experience of Sokleap at Kep

What I going to share you now it is not for you to be shad (Anet) but it is just want to share an experience.
Rainy Kep makes me remembered last year experience.

Sine yesterday and today, Aug 2008, there a lot of raining and winding here in Kep BUT I am still working in a nice office, nice desk and nice chair. Moreover, I can access to the internet with stable electricity that it is hugely different what was happening in July, 2007 while Kep iREACH start with little thing in term of office, internet and electricity.

This time of that time, least year, I was working under the tree, but 30mn latter I was running back to the office because of rainy season. Alas! Again, I was running out of office to work in the tent where a contractor of Kep iREACH office (HQ) renovation stocked the cement because we could not work in the environment of noisy, dusty of the building renovation. My laptop was on the table which was on the water and even my seat. My leg was on the brick, suddenly many insets was on my leg while my back was getting a piece of rain water (Dom Nok Tuek Pleang).

I was happy and I am happy when it was raining and it has raining while farmers also happy. Well, farmers are happy while it has raining because of they need water for their farm BUT I am so happy too, why?. There are two reasons bellow:
1. I am not take a bath with water which was brought from the pound anymore (it has a lot of worm, plants and mud). It mad me have disease (Romors) and heard hair.
2. I am happy instead of the farmer
This is just one of my experiences with working in Kep.